Usability of Social Media in Public Services and Politics R.Erdem ERKUL Aydin, M. D., Yildiz, M. and Erkul, E. (2012), “CCTV Surveillance and Ethics: Theory and Practice in the West and The MOBESE Case of Turkey”, in Robinson, S. and Arslan, M. (eds.),Business Ethics: Contemporary Global and Regional Issues, Saarbrücken: Lambert Academic Publishing, pp. 55-76.
KES-ERKUL, A. and R. Erdem ERKUL (2009). James Burnham’ın Yönetsel Devrim Kuramının Günümüzdeki Yansımaları. Hacettepe University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences Vol:27, No:2, pp: 193-215.
YILDIZ, Mete, ERKUL, Erdem ve AYDIN, Mehmet Devrim (2008) Security Cameras on the Streets & Growing Ethical Sensitivity to the Rights of Citizens: A General Evaluation of the MOBESE (CCTV) Experience in Turkey, 21st EBEN Annual Conference, Antalya/TURKEY, October 17-19, 254-258OKTEM M.K,
YILDIZ Mete, ERKUL, Erdem (2008) Services to children in municipalities of Ankara and their adoptability to digital space.
“Journal of Society and Social Work” of Hacettepe University , 19 ( 2 ) : 39-55,
“A General Overview of Mobile Government in Turkey” The Third International Conference & Exhibitions, 2008, Antalya, Turkey (up coming) (with Mete Yildiz)
“From Planned Development Experince to Strategic Planning” Journal of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of Hacettepe University, 2008 Volume 26, Issue 1: 269-285.(with Doğan Nadi Leblebici)
“The Impact of International Declarations Regarding Environmental Issues on Environmentalist Civil Organizations: Cases From Turkey and International Community”, Cairo 10th International Conference on Energy and Environment, 11-15 March 2007, Luxor, Egypt (with Aysu Kes)
“An Evaluation of Civil Action on Environment In The Light of International Documents: Cases From Turkey And Europe.” International Conference on Environment: Survival and Sustainability 19-24 February 2007 Near East University, Nicosia-Northern Cyprus VOLUME 9, page 4417 MT-15: International Relations And Environmental Issues ( with Aysu Kes )
“The Impact of Supranational Organizations on Environmentalist Civil Organizations”, 5th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, 12-15 January 2007, Honolulu, Hawaii (with Aysu Kes)
“Compatibility of Public Web Sites to the Principles of E- government” Informatics’07, 2007 ,Ankara, Turkey
“Security, Privacy and Cameras: A General Evaluation of the Global Trends and the Turkish Case, 2007, İstanbul, Turkey (with Mete Yildiz)
“Heel of Achilles in Informatics: Security and Privacy” XII. Internet Conference in Turkey, Ankara, Turkey,2007
“e- government” Turkish Encyclopedia of Informatics, 2006
“e- government” II. Public Administration Forum, Ankara, Turkey, 2004